Thanks for that... tat works just great!!!! i had just googled the path as is earlier & came upp with the package that holds that... the command now verifies the same...
but thanks again...
I would also like to know how i can get the " license agreement " come off the installation.. in the sense, do away with it...
any help here wud be great
On 8/9/06, Niels de Vos <niels.devos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Krishnan,
have you tried 'rpm -qf /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png'? Other files
(like config-files) also belong to packages, just try the command on
those files too :)
On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 11:20 +0530, Krishnan N wrote:
> hello members
> I am in the process of remastering FedoraCore 5.... I need
> clarifications on the following :
> 1. am not able to remove the Fedora wallpaper thats present when we
> log into either a KDE or GNOME environment.. what package is this
> present on??
> Am looking for them in the GNOME Libraries...
> 2. also trying to figure out where the " license Agreement " screen
> comes from......
> Kindly let me know if anyone there have an idea of the same..
> regards
> krishnan.
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