Loader doesn't do very much parsing of the kickstart. Mostly the parsing is done in the python anaconda part. > A colleague and I have been building an install CD based on FC5. You may want to take a look at my my FC5 respin scripts. https://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2006-April/msg00039.html > I'm glad to help improve Anaconda and /sbin/loader by debugging the > problem. However, I would very much appreciate advice from anyone who > has actually debugged /sbin/loader. This error is happening early in > the boot process, after the kernel is up but before any shells have been > launched in other windows. http://www.bsc.es/projects/deepcomputing/linuxoncell/stable/howto-install-fc4.html It's sometimes useful to have a bash environment right away. That page has instructions on how to compile bash statically, then on step 5 it has instructions for setting up busybox. You need some code at the first part of loader.c to open a new shell. I don't have the exact code but it's something like this, give or take a close() or a dup(). if (!fork()){ close(0); close(1); fd = open("/dev/tty9", O_RDWR); dup(fd); dup(fd); execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", NULL); } It's useful to have bash because then you can load modules by hand or whatever and look at what is actually going on. regards, dan carpenter