I'm trying to respin a customized variant of RHEL4 from the sources. I have all the SRPMS (original and updates) rebuilt successfully with the exception of comps and rpmdb-redhat. There are a variety of partially correct, minimally complete docs out there for previous versions of RH and Fedora Core, but I can't find one that's both complete and up to date for RHEL4 (or FC equivalent). Is there a pointer to the full procedure CentOS or the like follow to respin their system that somebody can point me to ? I'm more than willing to assemble an updated doc if it would help, but at this point I'm a little uncertain about how to get the last piece done (ie, rolling my own bootable CDs for the patched 'distro' so to speak). Any help greatly appreciated.... -- vince.skahan@xxxxxxxxxx -- Cabin Network -- connexion by Boeing sm www.connexionbyboeing.com