On 10/5/05, abayomi onibudo <aonibudo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I am creating a new distribution and i have successfully rebuilt Fedora 3 > distro as my own distro using a different product name with buildinstall. > I also managed to rebuild fedora-logos-1.1.29-1.noarch.rpm > with new logos corresponding to my own distro. I have included the new > fedora-logos-1.1.29-1.noarch.rpm in my RPMS folder for my > distro before creating the iso. When i boot my system to attempt to install > my distro the anaconda images reflect those of my distro, however, after > installation the fedora-logos still appear as Fedora core 3. > > Can anyone please let me know what steps to take to get my distro to > include my newly designed logos rather than Fedora core 3 logos? > > Dear abayomi onibudo, Can u reproduce the commands (with options) you used to rebuild the distro ? regards Manilal