Paul Nasrat escribió:
On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 12:05 +0200, David wrote:
I want to test the generated isos because I'm getting an error (CD Not
Found) everytime I try to use the cd's.
Check to see if .discinfo exists and what it contains.
.discinfo exists and I think it's ok. It's as follows:
Fedora Core 3
I don't know what's the problem so I have to make a lot of tests to try
to fix it.
Smells like you're missing a step somewhere - what guide are you
The guide I use is in
( and
the steps are these:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda
export PATH=â$PATH:/usr/lib/anaconda-runtimeâ
export FCBASE=/anaconda/base
mkdir -p $FCBASE/fc3/i386
mount /media/cdrom
cp -a /media/cdrom/* $FCBASE/fc3/i386/
umount /media/cdrom
# I do this with every CD (not SRCs).
# I don't edit comps.xml nor rpms, I just want to test if this works.
find $FCBASE/fc3 -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \;
find $FCBASE/fc3 -name -exec rm -f {} \;
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --productpath=Fedora FCBASE/fc3/i386
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder $FCBASE/fc3/i386 i386 Fedora | tee
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall --pkgorder $FCBASE/fc3/pkgfile
--version 3 --product "Fedora Core" --release "Fedora Core 3" --prodpath
Fedora $FCBASE/fc3/i386
mkdir $FCBASE/fc3/i386/SRPMS
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/ --arch=i386 --total-discs=4
--bin-discs=4 --src-discs=1 --release-string="Fedora Core 3"
--pkgorderfile=$FCBASE/fc3/pkgfile --distdir=$FCBASE/fc3/i386
--srcdir=$FCBASE/fc3/i386/SRPMS --productpath=Fedora
rm -f $FCBASE/fc3/i386-disc1/Fedora/base/hdlist
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --productpath=Fedora --withnumbers
--fileorder $FCBASE/fc3/pkgfile $FCBASE/fc3/i386-disc[1234]
cd $FCBASE/fc3
mkisofs -R -J -T -v -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -V
"Fedora Core 3" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -x
"lost+found" -o FC3-i386-disc1.iso i386-disc1
mkisofs -R -J -T -v -V "Fedora Core 3" -x "lost+found" -o
FC3-i386-disc2.iso i386-disc2
mkisofs -R -J -T -v -V "Fedora Core 3" -x "lost+found" -o
FC3-i386-disc3.iso i386-disc3
mkisofs -R -J -T -v -V "Fedora Core 3" -x "lost+found" -o
FC3-i386-disc4.iso i386-disc4
I think it's ok, right?
So, what do you think I can try? The nfs iso install? How can I try it?
nfs export a dir with the iso's and use the boot.iso. Boot with linux
askmethod - see the previously mentioned install-methods.txt
I don't undrstand this really well but I'll try to check the file
Thanks again.
David Asensio Ortega (david@xxxxxxxxxx)
Sabioss Trade S.L.
Santiago 24, 2º Izq.
47001 Valladolid