What are genhdlist, pkgorder, splitdistro really supposed to do ? I can see how to call them and I've read the docs at http://rau.homedns.org/twiki/bin/view/Anaconda/AnacondaDocumentationProject/ but I haven't yet seen a idiots guide to anaconda. In particular, what I'm interested is going to need to modify some of these programs/scripts but I'm not sure which ones to start hitting on. What I want to do is build an "underlay/overlay installer". An easy means of distributing update CDs that simply install on top of a pre-built FC cd. I don't want to have to rebuild/reburn the FC cd (or other distribution) just because I want to replace one/add additional packages on it. Here's what I think I've got to do : 1) Mount the FC ISOs as loopback. 2) Copy the .diskinfo, comps, hdlist* files to my workarea. 3) build a modified anaconda, 4) put my modified rpms in my workarea 5) write a program that takes the files from #2, combiining the files from #3 and #4 and builds a new superset comps/hdlist* files. 6) build new ISO containing #3, #4 and #5. The user would boot from this new CD. It means I can make the smaller ISO available over the net, working with an already downloaded (vanilla) FC iso. Stupid idea ? Missing something ? Any pointers ? Feel free to beat me around the head with a clue stick. richard. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- richard offer @ gmail "Specialization is for insects"