On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 14:39 -0700, Danen Br�wrote: > Here's a quick patch for two related bugs that caught me until I found > the post here: > http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/RedHat/2004-04/0332.html > > Anaconda produces an incorrect anaconda-ks.cfg for LVM+MD by not quoting > the argument to --fstype. As the post suggests, you can simply remove > the --fstype <arg> part all together and anaconda will guess that the > fstype for anything starting with pv. should have the "physical volume > (LVM)" type. But, this patch makes it work as the ks file is currently > generated. Thanks for the patch, applied to CVS. Note that it really helps to also stick patches in bugzilla (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla) in addition to mailing them to avoid them getting lost. I noticed this one (and your other from last week) and flagged them to avoid them getting lost, but I can't always guarantee that I succeed at doing that. If they're in bugzilla then they at least come back to haunt me when working on bringing the bug count :) Cheers, Jeremy