In my ks.cfg, I'm defining my partitions as follows:
part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=128
part / --fstype ext3 --size=4096
part /var/opt/ariel/database --fstype xfs --size=2048
part /var --fstype ext3 --size=2048
part swap --size=512
part /var/opt/ariel/audio --fstype xfs --size=100 --grow
One of my custom packages installs a file into the
/var/opt/ariel/database directory, so it needs to be available at
install time. However, the xfs partitions are not being mounted during
the install. I've even tried mounting them manually in the ks.cfg %pre
section using 'mount /tmp/hda5 /mnt/sysimage/var/opt/ariel/database'.
Even that attempt at a nasty hack didn't work.
The end result of this problem is that the database file that I need
isn't there when I reboot unless I unmount the partition where
it's supposed to be.
Does anyone have experience with getting anaconda to mount xfs