Right now, when I use the original 4 CD from redhat, my ks.cfg works fine, and the package section looks like this %packages kernel grub -apmd -ash -cyrus-sasl-gssapi -dhclient -dos2unix -dump -fbset -finger -hotplug -ipsec-tools -iptables-ipv6 -irda-utils -isdn4k-utils -jfsutils -kernel-pcmcia-cs -krb5-workstaion -krbafs -krbafs-utils -lftp -lha -libwvstreams -lslk -minicom -mtr -mt-st -nano -nc -ncompress -netdump -nfs-utils -pam_krb5 -pam_smb -pax -pdksh -portmap -ppp -prelink -rdate -rdist -redhat-config-mouse -redhat-config-network-tui -rmt -rp-pppoe -rsh -setserial -sharutils -star -talk -tcpdump -tcsh -tftp -unix2dos -usbutils -vconfig -wireless-tools -wvdial -ypbind -yp-tools -samba -samba-common # Additional Package #anaconda-runtime mrtg ntp perl-CPAN perl-URI # DNS Services # ------------------------- # bind # caching-nameserver @ dns-server # ftp-server # ------------------------- # vsftpd @ ftp-server # mail # ------------------------- # curl # httpd # imap # libxml2 # perl-Digest-HMAC # perl-Digest-SHA1 # perl-HTML-Parser # perl-HTML-Tagset # perl-Net-DNS # perl-Time-HiRes # php # postfix # redhat-switch-mail # spamassassin # squirrelmail @ mail-server -redhat-switch-mail-gnome -sendmail-cf -atk -gtk2 -libglade2 -pango -pygtk2 -pygtk2-libglade # mysql # ------------------------- # mysql # perl-CGI # perl-DBD-MySQL # perl-DBI @ mysql -libdbi-dbd-mysql -MyODBC -mysql-devel -MySQL-python -unixODBC # -libmng -qt -XFree86-Mesa-libGLU # web # ------------------------- # crypto-utils # curl # gd # httpd # libobjc # libxml2 # mod_auth_mysql # mod_perl # mod_python # mod_ssl # mysql # newt-perl # perl_DBD-MySQL # perl-DBI # php # php-imap # php-mysql # tux # webalizer @ web-server gnuplot mod_auth_mysql php-mysql -bcel -commons-beanutils -commons-digester -commons-collections -commons-logging -commons-modeler -distcache-devel -distcache -hwcrypto -jakarta-regexp -mod_authz_ldap -mx4j -php-ldap -redhat-config-httpd -redhat-java-rpm-scripts -squid -xalan-j -xerces-j # -4Suite -alchemist -atk -audiofile -bonobo-activation -cup -esound -fam -GConf2 -gnome-mime-data -gnome-python2 -gnome-python2-bonobo -gnome-vfs2 -gtk2 -libart_lgpl -libbonobo -libbonoboui -libgcj-ssa -libglade2 -libgnome -libgnomecanvas -libgnomeui -libIDL -linc -ORBit -pango -pygtk2 -pygtk2-libglade -pyorbit -PyXML # Developer Package autoconf automake bison byacc cpp dev86 flex gcc gcc-c++ gcc-objc glibc-devel glibc-headers glibc-kernheaders glibc-profile #libobjc libstdc++-devel libtool libxml #libxml2 rpm-build For what ever reason, (it is what I am trying to fix), when I combine all 4 of my CD into one (adding the needed RPMS from CD2,3,and 4, into the first CD), the RPMS that get install doesn't match up with what my ks.cfg say. I did generate a hdlist before I make the new iso. I just learn how to generate a pkgfile to solve another possible problem. The only lose end I have yet is rather I need to update comps.xml (which seem a bit puzzling). From what I gather from your email, where I am using ks.cfg %package section to control what RPMS to install, I DO NOT need to edit my comps.xml. Can you please confirm this dwc -----Original Message----- From: Paul Pianta [mailto:pantz@xxxxxx] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 1:23 PM To: Chan, Dominic; anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: rebuild comps.xml Chan, Dominic wrote: > If I use ks.cfg to do my install, and deleted a number of RPMS from my > /RedHat/RPMS folder, do I need to update my comps.xml, or would > rebuild genhdlist and generate a new pkgorder.txt be enough? > Hi Dominic, You don't have to touch comps.xml if you use the %packages section in kickstart. It can get pretty messy if you add/remove lots of packages in your kickstart file, and adding/removing packages from comps.xml seems to be a cleaner way to do this. But it's really up to you what you want to do - I edited my comps.xml file and chopped out whole groups and added my own packages in a new 'custom' group. It works fine for me and I don't have to update my ks.cfg anymore for packages. pantz -- Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes ... That way when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes! Both the individual sending this e-mail and The Lubrizol Corporation intend that this electronic message be used exclusively by the individual or entity to which it is intended to be addressed. This message may contain information that is privileged, confidential and thereby exempt and protected from unauthorized disclosure under applicable law. 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