To save ForrestX some more typing...
The location for pkgfile doesn't seem to matter much, just as long as
buildinstall and genhdlist can point to it.
Run pkgorder and use it for buildinstall, et al. For RHL 9, I use
something like this:
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda /usr/lib/anaonda-runtime/pkgorder
/path/to/i386/ i386 > /path/to/pkgfile
buildinstall --pkgorder /path/to/pkgfile --version 9 --product Shrike
--release 'Shrike' /path/to/i386/
genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder /path/to/pkgfile /path/to/i386/
Second, what name (or variable) should I use after i386, I
am using RHEL as the name. This is a RedHat Enterprise 3.0 Update 1 build.
I think the name chosen doesn't matter, just make sure that .discinfo is updated accordingly.
Richard Black