My build directory structure looks like this on my workstation
/var /LZ /RedHat /base /RPMS /autorun /images /isolinux
So basically, the root of the RedHat cd start at /var/LZ
My question is as follow. First, if I want to generate a pkgfile for my build, where do I output the pkgfile to? I think I got the command to work, but not sure where should the final destination be located at?
Second, what name (or variable) should I use after i386, I am using RHEL as the name. This is a RedHat Enterprise 3.0 Update 1 build
This is what I use, and the pkgfile file is sitting at the /var/LZ, the root of the RedHat CD PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder /var/LZ/ i386 RHEL > /var/LZ/pkgfile
Any feedback or comment will be strongly appreciated
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