All, They say if you put enough monkeys on a typewriter eventually you will get Shakespeare. I started out with a standard install and was able to add my two groups. I still have a problem and a question. Nothing I can't live with tomorrow, but I would like to solve over time. #1 I get the error from: genhdlist --hdlist $HDFILE --productpath $PRODUCT_PATH $BASEDIR where HDFILE=/data/selinux/Fedora/Core1/custom/SELinux/Core1/Fedora/base/hdlist PRODUCT_PATH=Fedora BASEDIR=/data/selinux/Fedora/Core1/custom/SELinux/Core1 of WARNING: ordering not found for fwbuilder-1.1.2-1.fdr1.i386.rpm WARNING: ordering not found for libfwbuilder-1.0.2-2.fdr1.i386.rpm WARNING: ordering not found for fwbuilder-ipt-1.1.2-1.fdr1.i386.rpm I am able to complete the buildinstall and I have split the build and written it to CDs. What happens is, when the install gets to the fwbuilder stuff it requires that I swap out disks. It ask for 1, installs a few rpms, ask for two, installs a few more and then finally ask for three again where you can see that it is installing all the fwbuilder stuff. So I wonder again, how does this functionality work. Obviously the point of specifying a package order would be to prevent this from happening. But I see nothing that indicates how you would do this for new packages. #2 The next question I have is. I want to run a rather large post-install. Large in the sense of time and size. My initial plan was to create an RPM, install it, and run the post-install script on the files it creates. The problem is the RPM is about 238M in size. Most of these things are source code so I guess I could just package them up individually. But a few (Java) for example are pre-compiled binaries. What is the preferred method of doing this. Thanks again Nix -- Nick (Nix) Gray Senior Systems Engineer Bruzenak Inc. (512) 331-7998