Hi Alain Thanks for all the help earlier with burning a custom and helping us out solve theproblem with syncRpms.py script { my colleague gautam had asked for help a few days back }. I have a RH.90 system installed with everything on to it . We have compiled a basic CD with some packages , now we want to compile a fully working CD which would include * the core packages {necessary minimal files for the booting and the running } * iptables * http server * ftp server * only the bash shell * kudzu * rsync * emacs / vi Can you please help us how we should configure the packagelist i.e. pkglist for these . Since after running getGroupPkgs.py generated a list of approx 300 packages , now we are confused what we should keep before running syncRpms.py . Thanks in advance . Regards , Karan Saberwal