I want to burn a new set of master redhat cds that contain all the recent updates and Im having a problem getting it to work. I copied the cd1 cd2 and cd3 into respective cd directories on the local disk. And copy the .discinfo file into cd1 Then i downloaded from updates.redhat.com all the updates, remove any of the rpms with an update and replace them with the appropriate updated rpm. I run a gpg check on all the rpms and do a dependency check in case I fubared copying the data across. The last step is running genhdlist but it seems to be the problem I have as well. I cant seem to find a way to rebuild this without everything pointing to the cd1 directory. So when I try to install the updated distro it fails since it thinks all the rpms are on cd1. I couldnt find any man pages for genhdlist, using -h or --help and other switches hopeing for some kind of docs on its use revealed nothing. Any ideas on what im doing wrong here? thanks Greg