I'm seeking suggestions for a low latency usb (or PCIE) sound interface (or card). Or, maybe some good news that USB sound devices are generally reasonably low in latency. My target latency would be around 25-50msec per component. This is a thin-client setup, so playback sound would go through three components. Two-channel playback is the only essential requirement. Anyway, what I'm thinking is to attach a real PCIE or USB sound card or interface to the main machine (well, two of them); point the .asoundrc files at one of them, feed analog signal into another USB device's input, into a Raspberry PI, over ethernet via NetJACK or maybe just netcat, and to the thin-client machine. That way, the real hardware sound card would throttle the samples at the front end of the chain, which should be massively better than the current situation. The detail, lest I not provide enough background: I have one main machine (because I insist on ECC RAM) and a couple of thin-client machines. The main machine currently runs Mageia 2 on a Xeon W3680 (so CPU horsepower is ample). I have several loopback sound cards (one per user) using snd_aloop. The users' .asoundrc files play into a loopback/snd_aloop card, NetJACK sends sound from there to the thin-client, and it goes out over the thin-client machine's hardware (HDMI and green jack). The thin-client runs a remastered TinyCore Linux, on an i3 540 CPU, booting via PXE. There's a private gigabit LAN between the main machine and the thin-client machines. Only one thin-client is generally powered on at a time. All machines run straight ALSA (and NetJACK); Pulse is _NOT_ being used. (I'd uninstall pulse, but I don't like RPM complaining about massive numbers of missing dependencies.) Neither CPU nor network are significant limiting factors. The above setup initially used Mageia 1 on the main machine, and life was good. Sound was essentially perfect. However, when I switched the main machine to Mageia 2, kernel 3.4.52-server-1.mga2, sound became hideously chopped. Somewhere around 25% or more of the sound samples are being lost due to xruns. Research into the problem showed snd_aloop was _NOT_ keeping time but would accept samples as rapidly as the playback client would send them. That resulted in massive xruns. The problem can be demonstrated with nothing more than aplay, snd_aloop, and arecord in Mageia 2 on the main machine. I believe it's a bug in snd_aloop, but I don't have the expertise to write a convincing bug report for something in kernelspace. Anyway, are there USB sound interfaces with latencies no more than 25-50msec? (Or, are they around 500msec latencies like I hear at work on Doze-based laptops over Lync?) Thanks, Robert Riches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99! 1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint 2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=58041151&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk _______________________________________________ Alsa-user mailing list Alsa-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/alsa-user