Interestingly, if I use the same blocking loop and try to read the bytes 3 at a time, there are no dropped bytes. It only seems to happen when I ask to read one byte at a time. - Maxime On 11-02-11 02:07 AM, Clemens Ladisch wrote: > Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert wrote: >> Hmm, seems I can't. I don't remember how I did it last time. When my >> virtual port is connected to the hardware, amidi reports the hardware >> port is busy. > Yes, raw MIDI ports don't allow sharing; this is why you should use > sequencer ports. > > Try running only "amidi --dump -p virtual", and then connecting the > hardware sequencer port to the virtual one. > >> Do you know of any bug in ALSA that could cause this, or >> any programming error on my part that could cause bytes to be dropped >> when I'm on a virtual port but not when I connect directly to the hardware? > When the sequencer converts the messages back to raw MIDI bytes, > it uses running status by default. This is not an error. > > > Regards, > Clemens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE: Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen. Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle. Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance. _______________________________________________ Alsa-user mailing list Alsa-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx