[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] - Attempting to add entry
cn=mais um teste,ou=teste,ou=RNP,dc=homolog,dc=rnp to AD
for local entry
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): Received result code 32 (0000208D:
NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0,
best match of: 'OU=RNP,DC=homolog,DC=rnp' ) for add
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): windows_process_total_add: Cannot
replay add operation.
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): Beginning linger on the connection
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): windows_tot_run: failed to obtain data
to send to the consumer; LDAP error - 1
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] - Calling dirsync search
request plugin
[17/May/2016:14:19:44 -0300] - Sending dirsync search
[17/May/2016:14:19:45 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): Cancelling linger on the connection
[17/May/2016:14:19:45 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01"
(gti-df-dc01:636): Disconnected from the consumer
[17/May/2016:14:19:45 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
windows sync - windows_inc_runs: cancelled dirsync:
7fa660001d60, rval: 1