On 04/07/2016 10:34 AM, Mark Reynolds wrote:
On 04/07/2016 09:50 AM, Warron French wrote:
Mr. Brown,
As much as I can now log into 389-console to access the Directory
Server and the Admin Server entities through the GUI console, and I
can also perform ldapsearch successfully, I am still having one
irksome problem.
I still cannot log into the 389-console with the account cn=Directory
Manager; which is strange to me, because ldapsearch uses the
cn=Directory Manager account to authenticate - and it does it
Can you advise please, on how to fix this problem?
Or am I trying to do something that isn't permitted, should I not be
allowed to authenticate "cn=Directory Manager" into 389-console at
all? Maybe I made that up (I misinformed myself somehow)?
You need to recheck the DS access/errors logs to see if its the same
problem or a new one.
Also run the console is debug mode - it might provide more info:
./389-consle -D 9
Also, you should remove the old console cert db and try logging in
again. The console caches certificates, so it might still have your old
ones, and it just keeps reusing them.
rm ~./389-console/*.db
You aren't running the console from a Windows machine are you?
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