On 04/07/2016 09:50 AM, Warron French wrote:
Mr. Brown,
As much as I can now log into 389-console to access the Directory Server and the Admin Server entities through the GUI console, and I can also perform ldapsearch successfully, I am still having one irksome problem.
I still cannot log into the 389-console with the account cn=Directory Manager; which is strange to me, because ldapsearch uses the cn=Directory Manager account to authenticate - and it does it successfully.
Can you advise please, on how to fix this problem?
Or am I trying to do something that isn't permitted, should I not be allowed to authenticate "cn=Directory Manager" into 389-console at all? Maybe I made that up (I misinformed myself somehow)?
You need to recheck the DS access/errors logs to see if its the same
problem or a new one.
Also run the console is debug mode - it might provide more info:
./389-consle -D 9
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