On 04/03/2012 05:15 AM, Roberto Polli wrote:
Hi all,
just some easy questions. The quoted text is taken from
Red Hat DS 9.0 Deployment Guide.
§7.4.4 Schema Replication
In all replication scenarios...[cut] The following conditions apply:
If the version of the schema ...[master has newer]...the supplicer server
replicates to the consumer
Q1: shouldn't this happen only when changes are done via ldapmodify (as stated
in the note at the ending of the chapter)?
Q2: changes made with 98example.ldif shouldn't propagate, right?
If the version of the schema...[slave has newer]...the server may return
many errors...
Q3: so replication still happens. I would state this clearly, like
"replication happens even in case of schema mismatching"
ok - please file a ticket/bug
A consumer might contain replicated data from two suppliers, each with
different schema. Whichever supplier was updated last wins, and its schema is
propagated to the consumer.
Q4: imho it seems a wider highway to hell -_- As of Q1,2 I can avoid it using
ldif, right?
Right, although note that schema replication is single master. You
should choose a master to make it the "primary" master for schema updates.
Changes made to custom schema files are only replicated if the schema is
updated using LDAP or the Directory Server Console
Q5: I have understood that you can't change a custom schema file using
LDAP/DSConsole. All modifications go to 99user.ldif: right?
I hope I haven't bored you too much...
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