On 04/02/2012 09:29 AM, Roberto Polli wrote:
Hi Rich|All,
= Stuff 1 =
I'm planning a schema upgrade on a platform with 4 ds. The schema is on a
I got 2 MMR on backend and 2 replica on FE.
On RH documentation I read to:
- upgrade all masters;
- then upgrade slaves;
- lately restart.
Yes. This is the recommended procedure.
This approach seems to lead to some service discontinuity, as - during this
migration - I should stop writes to all master/slaves.
How would you do it?
= Stuff 2 =
I found a possible typo here:
The following command doesn't write out the schema
# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -b "cn=schema" -T
you need to specify the attributes, eg:
# ldapsearch ... -b "cn=schema" -T "(objectclass=*)" "*" objectclasses
Does it happen to you too?
Yes. I have fixed the wiki page. The problem is that the attributes in
cn=schema such as attributetypes, objectclasses, matchingrules, etc. are
now operational and must be specified explicitly on the ldapsearch
command line.
Thx+ Peace,
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