Hello everyone: S?ren Malchow, has managed to synchronize all the attributes of AD? I took time trying to synchronize all the attributes of AD to SDS but I have not succeeded. That has managed to synchronize attributes? As you've done? Greetings. Esteban Torres Rodr?guez ?REA DE SOPORTE T?CNICO - Administraci?n de Servidores Subdirecci?n de Sistemas Inform?ticos Empresa P?blica Desarrollo Agrario y Pesquero, email: etorres at dap.es >>> S?ren Malchow <Soeren.Malchow at interone.de> 9/5/2008 16:07 >>> Dear all, i have a FDS with synchronization to an AD up and running, everything including password sync is fine, the only attribute that is needed and not synching is whether the user is deactivated or not. I can deactive users seperately in FDS or AD but it does not sync, after alot of research i could not find a solution for that, can someone please point me the way ? Regards Soeren