Hello All, Had a power outage this morning. When the system came back up the slapd would not start. I found the following in the error log: Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1928 landin.cs.ou.edu:636 (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-landin) [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - Entry "cn=SNMP,cn=config" -- attribute "nsSNMPName" not allowed [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - Entry "cn=SNMP,cn=config" -- attribute "nsSNMPName" not allowed [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1928 starting up [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - ERROR: Database version mismatch (expecting 'Netscape-ldbm/7.0' but found 'nsibleObject' in directory /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-landin/db) [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - start: db version is not supported [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - Failed to start database plugin ldbm database [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - WARNING: ldbm instance userRoot already exists [04/Jul/2008:16:17:37 -0500] - WARNING: ldbm instance NetscapeRoot already exists Any ideas on how I can fix this? This is a replica and fortunately the master is ok. Would it be possible to simply copy the db directory from the master and drop it on this replica? Happy Fourth! TIA -- Jim Summers Computer Science - University of Oklahoma