El vie, 02-02-2007 a las 13:27 -0800, Noriko Hosoi escribi?: > >The backup was created and restored with db2bak. Would this imply that > >the backup contained the Admin Server's ou=duraflex.com.sv" and that it > >was imported into a Directory Server with "ou=duraflex"? > > > > > That's most likely what happened to your server... > > >Again, as I said, I'm willing to try changing the Admin Server over to > >"ou=duraflex". I'll appreciate your pointers on how to do it. > > > > > Well, I'd try the following, but since we haven't tested it, we don't > know how it ends up... > 1. shutdown the admin server and console > 2. go to your <server_root>/admin-serv/config > 3. replace "ou=duraflex.com.sv" with "ou=duraflex" in all the files in > the directory > 4. restart the admin server, then console > 5. login on the console It worked, partially. I can login, I get two ou's in the console's default view: "duraflex.com.sv" and "duraflex". The first one is empty (and I suppose I can erase it eventually), the second one can be expanded to show the server "pendragon", which in turn can be expanded to show an "Administration Server" and a "Directory Server". However, when I click the first, it tries but fails to download and install server component admserv10.jar, and when I click the second, it tries but fails to install server component ds10.jar. Almost there... I'll appreciate your tips on this one. -- Oscar A. Valdez