Jorge Santos wrote: > I tried create one partition by command line, but it doesn't work. > And when I've tried to restart the console admin, it doesn's work too > and when I did a search for cn=mapping tree,cn=config subtree, it > didn't return anything. > I Tried follow the tutorial at this site: > > > I Created the database for root suffix, the root suffix(dc=mg), sub > suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database link(Contain a Referral for other > Server) for sub suffix at Main Server . > In the other server I created the root suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the > database for this root suffix. > The LDIF's that i used for create these partitions as follow: You're trying to do a lot of things here, and not explaining what part didn't work. Why don't you start at the beginning: tell us each step you've gone through, what you expected that step to accomplish, and what did or did not work.