Hi Rich, thanks that helped. Now I'm stuck during the ldapserver build # [root at tc191 ldapserver]# make BUILD_BOMB="" PUMPKIN_AGE="" BUILD_DEBUG=optimize after some time I get ../../built/RHEL4_x86_gcc3_OPT.OBJ/nsinstall -t -m 644 ../../../directoryconsole /built/package/ds10.jar ../../built/release/RHEL4_x86_gcc3_OPT.OBJ/java/jars ../../built/RHEL4_x86_gcc3_OPT.OBJ/nsinstall: cannot access ../../../directoryco nsole/built/package/ds10.jar: No such file or directory gmake[1]: *** [releaseDirectory] Error 1 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ldap/ds102/ldapserver/ldap/cm' make: *** [setupDirectory] Error 2 So what's missing? Which did I do wrong? I will document all of this and upload it to the Wiki of course Thanks again, Jo