Howdy, Is it possible to manually delete this entry using command-line LDAP tools? dn: cn=nsPwPolicyContainer,ou=the_ou,dc=our,dc=domain objectClass: nsContainer objectClass: top cn: nsPwPolicyContainer pwdpolicysubentry: cn="cn=nsPwPolicyEntry,ou=the_ou,dc=our,dc=domain",cn=nsPwPolicyContaine r,ou=the_ou,dc=our,dc=domain When I try to delete it with ldapdelete, the error indicates that the entry contains other entries: $ ldapdelete ... cn=nspwpolicycontainer,ou=the_ou,dc=our,dc=domain Delete Result: Operation not allowed on non-leaf (66) Furthermore, when I view it in the console, it _appears_ to contain other entries (cn=nsPwPolicyEntry and cn=nsPwTemplateEntry). However, it doesn't appear to contain other entries when I search from the command line. How do I get at its subtree, if indeed it has a real subtree? TIA, Justin Crawford justin.crawford at