Mac OS X SASL auth problems

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thanks so much!  It magically works now.   For what its worth, I took
another FDS instance and did the same; remove the /usr/lib/sasl*/*md5*
libraries.  With the ns-slapd still running I observed no change to the
query of SASL types (ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -LLL -s "base" -b ""
supportedSASLMechanisms).  So I restarted, and FDS still reports MD5.  So I
wait a few minutes, restart FDS again, no luck ... still reports MD5.  I
begin to close all applications and prepare for a reboot, but just before I
issue the reboot command I check again.  Viola! no more MD5.  weird...

I'm not sure what magic happened to remove the MD5 SASL auth types.  A
simple FDS restart didn't seem to do the trick right off the bat.

End of story, my Mac's can now auth against my preferred directory server.
something, something, something, happily every after...  THE END!

Thanks again Richard, and everybody else on the list!
Mahalo nui loa,

On 11/16/06, Richard Megginson <rmeggins at> wrote:
> John Call wrote:
> > Aloha list,
> >
> > I've run up against what Josh Kelley wrote about a few months ago
> > (
> > <
> >)
> > where Mac OS X clients are not able to authenticate users due to
> > CRAM-MD5.  Has any progress been made on the feature request / bug he
> > filed?
> No, not yet.
> > (
> > <>)  Thus
> > far I've been unsuccessful at working around the CRAM-MD5 as he
> > suggested by removing the /usr/lib/sasl2/* files.
> Really?  Did you restart FDS once you removed those files?  Do you see
> cram-md5 bind attempts in the FDS access log?
> >
> > Does anybody have any further insight on how I can get my Macs to auth
> > against FDS?
> >
> > Thanks so much,
> > Mahalo,
> > John Call
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > --
> > Fedora-directory-users mailing list
> > Fedora-directory-users at
> >
> >
> --
> Fedora-directory-users mailing list
> Fedora-directory-users at
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