SSL Problem

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Hello All,

While monitoring the access log on my FDS I am seeing the following message 
popping up:
[26/Apr/2006:14:59:30 -0500] conn=1 op=-1 fd=65 closed - Peer does not 
recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.

Is the "Peer" the client attempting to connect?

I have the following set in the /etc/ldap.conf on the machine that is trying 
to connect:

tls_checkpeer no
tls_reqcert never

Which I thought would instruct the client to not really care and just encrypt 
the packets.

Actually this seems to only happen with an ldapsearch command.

A sample search command I am testing with is:

ldapsearch -v -x -LLL -D "uid=tulsa2,ou=people,dc=ou,dc=edu" -W -H 
ldaps:// -b ou=people,dc=ou,dc=edu '(uid=tulsa2)'

I can issue id commands and ssh into the client without problem and it is over 
the ssl enabled 636 port. Which I just double checked with tcpdump and the logs.

I am not sure what I have messed up.

Ideas / Suggestions greatly appreciated.


Jim Summers
School of Computer Science-University of Oklahoma

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