I would create a suffix with something like "o=isp", then create "o=k12.pa.us", "o=abc.org", "o=<primarydomain>", etc under that. Create ou=people, ou=groups, etc under each, and set up admin groups, aci's, etc to allow each to be managed separately, allow appropriate views by users, etc. Search o=isp as your base to see all entries, or o=<primarydomain>,o=isp to see individual ones. (Note I say <primarydomain> instead of <domain> because some organizations have more than one domain associated with them - you don't have to define a branch for each domain you use - organize things by how you want to manage them and restrict views, etc). There is really no need to use the dc=k12,dc=pa,dc=us style tree - in fact, in most cases I've set up, that was actually a bad choice. Sun uses o=internet as a base under which to put a full dc tree (in their 5.x messaging software), but even they are moving away from that, because it doesn't work very well in a lot of cases (though it works a lot better than st=pa,c=us type trees). If you really want to use a domain based tree, build it under something like o=internet. (i.e. dc=k12,dc=pa,dc=us,o=internet, etc) so there is a common root. - Jeff Kevin Myer wrote: >On initial configuration and later in the management console, you specify or use >a "User directory subtree". For a single organization, this may be easy to >setup, but for ourselves, we manage directory entries for a variety of >.k12.pa.us, .org, and .net domains. So whats the best way of creating a view >that encompasses all of those? Is it possible to use a blank subtree, so that >when I search for a user from within the management application, I can find >them all, regardless of the domain components used? Or are there better ways >to handle this? > >Thanks, >Kevin > > >