Am 2014-03-17 16:39, schrieb Grozdan:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Marko Weber|8000 <weber@xxxxxxxxxx>
hello list,
in the xfs faq i read elevator=noop is best when using ssd.
i have the gentoo system on a ssd, but the larger data storage
partition on
softraid with some sata disks.
is elevator=noop in this combo still best?
thx for any cunstructive answer
noop and deadline are best for SSDs. deadline is best for spinning
disks with XFS, especially in RAID. Stay away from CFQ as it kills
parallelism in XFS
thx grozdan,
but what, if i have mixed setup in a server ssd + sata ??
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