I had a XFS filesystem on RAID 5, but line of the power supply 230 V had
crash . UPS failed, 2 hard disk drive on RAID (4 hard disk) failed
(medium error) - then before turn of computer I resynchronize this
RAID. Fdisk recognized filesystem as XFS. Using dd with conv=noerror,
sync I clone XFS filesystem on external hard disk. After restart machine
I never can resynchronize RAID to see XFS filesystem. Then I connect
hard disk to computer I can mount , but I see numbers as filename with
xfs_db -c "sb 0" -c "p" /dev/sde5 said:
magicnum = 0x58465342
blocksize = 4096
dblocks = 183103920
rblocks = 0
rextents = 0
uuid = e2716dab-5b52-085e-eae2-3d8442c32a1a
logstart = 134217735
rootino = 256
rbmino = 257
rsumino = 258
rextsize = 1
agblocks = 5722000
agcount = 32
rbmblocks = 0
logblocks = 89406
versionnum = 0xbdb4
sectsize = 4096
inodesize = 256
inopblock = 16
fname = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
blocklog = 12
sectlog = 12
inodelog = 8
inopblog = 4
agblklog = 23
rextslog = 0
inprogress = 0
imax_pct = 25
icount = 37056
ifree = 7341
fdblocks = 181668411
frextents = 0
uquotino = 0
gquotino = 0
qflags = 0
flags = 0
shared_vn = 0
inoalignmt = 2
unit = 16
width = 48
dirblklog = 0
logsectlog = 12
logsectsize = 4096
logsunit = 4096
features2 = 0xa
bad_features2 = 0xa
xfs_repair :
couldn't verify primary superblock not enough secondary superblocks with
matching geometry
attempting to find secondary superblock......................
xfs_check said
cannot init perag data (117).
I use xfs_explorer, UFS Explorer Professional Recovery, photorec,
testdisk to recover files, but any of this nothing do.
It's very important because on filesystem XFS there was a virtual
machine file with many MS SQL databases. I can't have backup because
packed backup file has a 17 GB, external hard disk destroyed after the
supertension of the energy network.
Please help me...
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