I m having RedHat Lunix 8 on my new Mechine
it have Murcury Pentium 4
Mainboard PI845GVM-AGP/PI845GLM-AGP and
Chipset 845GL/GV with
512 MBs Ram 80 GBs HD the problem is i cannot start
this mechine in
Graphic Mode I had Installed RedHat 8 Linux version upgraded
XFree86 4.6 with package Linux - ix86-glibc23
suggested by sh Xinstall.sh -check
I had Display problem for bigning now I get gray
screen disply with mouse curser
and it stops there without any
activaty and i get this message
INIT id "x" respawining too fast : disabled for 5
I shall highly appreciate aneone out there could
give a suggest or help.
Tariq Dalvi