do you mean the following log? Welcome to the XFree86(R) 4.5.0 installer You are strongly advised to backup your existing XFree86 installation before proceeding. This includes the /usr/X11R6, /etc/X11 and /etc/fonts directories. The installation process will overwrite existing files in those directories, and this may include some configuration files that have been customised either by you or by your OS distribution. Although an attempt is made to make backup copies of these files and directories before overwriting them, this is not a failsafe procedure. The backup copies will have a suffix ".1670". The installation is logged. Refer to the log file "XFree86-install.log.1670" in the current directory if you have problems during or after the installation. When making your own backup of the installation directories before proceeding with this installation, do it by making a copy of those directories and their contents. Do not simply rename them. Otherwise you may find that many of your existing applications will no longer be visible. If you are installing a version different from 4.5.0, you may need an updated version of this installer script. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n] Checking which OS you're running... uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.20-8', architecture 'i686'. Bindist version is 4.5.0 Checking for required files ... You appear to have an existing installation of X. Continuing will overwrite it. You will, however, have the option of being prompted before most configuration files are overwritten. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y] Removing some old files that are no longer required... Removing some old directories that are no longer required... removing old directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled XFree86 now installs most customisable configuration files under /etc/X11 instead of under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, and has symbolic links under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 that point to /etc. You currently have files under the following subdirectories of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11: app-defaults xkb Do you want to move them to /etc/X11 and create the necessary links? (y/n) [y] Moving /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults to /etc/X11/app-defaults ... ./ Beforelight Xawtv Bitmap-color Bitmap Clock-color Chooser Editres-color Editres XCalc-color UXTerm Viewres XCalc Xditview-chrtr XClipboard XClock XConsole XF86Cfg XFontSel XLoad XLogo XLogo-color XSm XTerm XTerm-color Xditview Xedit-color Xedit Xmag Xfd Xgc Xmessage Xman Xvidtune Xmh Xmessage-color XScreenSaver XISDNLoad Xloadimage Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y] Moving /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb to /etc/X11/xkb ... ./ README.config README compat/ compat/complete compat/README compat/accessx compat/basic compat/group_led compat/default compat/mousekeys compat/iso9995 compat/japan compat/keypad compat/leds compat/misc compat/norepeat compat/pc compat/pc98 compat/xfree86 compat/xtest compat.dir README.enhancing geometry/ geometry/digital/ geometry/digital/unix geometry/digital/lk geometry/digital/pc geometry/README geometry/amiga geometry/ataritt geometry/dell geometry/keytronic geometry/everex geometry/fujitsu geometry/hp geometry/macintosh geometry/kinesis geometry/sgi/ geometry/sgi/indigo geometry/sgi/O2 geometry/sgi/indy geometry/sony geometry/microsoft geometry/nec geometry/northgate geometry/pc geometry/winbook geometry/sun keycodes/ keycodes/digital/ keycodes/digital/lk keycodes/digital/pc keycodes/README keycodes/aliases keycodes/amiga keycodes/ataritt keycodes/macintosh keycodes/fujitsu keycodes/hp keycodes/ibm keycodes/sgi/ keycodes/sgi/indigo keycodes/sgi/indy keycodes/sgi/iris keycodes/sony keycodes/powerpcps2 keycodes/xfree86 keycodes/sun keycodes/xfree98 keymap/ keymap/digital/ keymap/digital/us keymap/README keymap/amiga keymap/ataritt keymap/sgi/ keymap/sgi/cz_qwerty keymap/sgi/be keymap/sgi/bg keymap/sgi/ca keymap/sgi/cz keymap/sgi/de_CH keymap/sgi/de keymap/sgi/dvorak keymap/sgi/dk keymap/sgi/sk_qwerty keymap/sgi/en_US keymap/sgi/es keymap/sgi/fi keymap/sgi/fr keymap/sgi/fr_CH keymap/sgi/gb keymap/sgi/hu keymap/sgi/it keymap/sgi/jp keymap/sgi/no keymap/sgi/pl keymap/sgi/pt keymap/sgi/ru keymap/sgi/se keymap/sgi/sk keymap/sgi/th keymap/sgi/us keymap/sony keymap/macintosh keymap/sun/ keymap/sun/de keymap/sun/es keymap/sun/fi keymap/sun/fr keymap/sun/no keymap/sun/pl keymap/sun/ru keymap/sun/se keymap/sun/uk keymap/sun/us keymap/xfree86 keymap/xfree98 geometry.dir rules/ rules/xfree86-it.lst rules/README rules/sgi rules/sgi.lst rules/sun rules/sun.lst rules/xfree86 rules/xfree86.lst rules/xfree86.xml symbols/ symbols/ca_enhanced symbols/README symbols/al symbols/altwin symbols/am symbols/ar symbols/az symbols/be symbols/ben symbols/bg symbols/br symbols/bs symbols/by symbols/ca symbols/cz_qwerty symbols/compose symbols/ctrl symbols/cz symbols/digital/ symbols/digital/lk symbols/digital/pc symbols/digital/us symbols/digital/vt symbols/czsk symbols/de symbols/de_CH symbols/dev symbols/dvorak symbols/dk symbols/en_US symbols/ee symbols/el symbols/fr_CH symbols/es symbols/fi symbols/fr symbols/fujitsu/ symbols/fujitsu/jp symbols/fujitsu/us symbols/ge_la symbols/gb symbols/hp/ symbols/hp/us symbols/hr symbols/ge_ru symbols/group symbols/guj symbols/gur symbols/hu_US symbols/hu symbols/macintosh/ symbols/macintosh/de_CH symbols/macintosh/de symbols/macintosh/fr_CH symbols/macintosh/dk symbols/macintosh/es symbols/macintosh/fi symbols/macintosh/fr symbols/macintosh/gb symbols/macintosh/it symbols/macintosh/nl symbols/macintosh/no symbols/macintosh/pt symbols/macintosh/se symbols/macintosh/us symbols/hu_qwerty symbols/ie symbols/il symbols/il_phonetic symbols/inet symbols/ir symbols/is symbols/iso9995-3 symbols/it symbols/iu symbols/jp symbols/kan symbols/keypad symbols/la symbols/level3 symbols/lo symbols/lock symbols/lt symbols/lt_std symbols/lv symbols/mt_us symbols/mk symbols/ml symbols/mm symbols/mt symbols/nec/ symbols/nec/jp symbols/ogham symbols/nl symbols/no symbols/pc/ symbols/pc/cz_qwerty symbols/pc/al symbols/pc/am symbols/pc/ar symbols/pc/be symbols/pc/ben symbols/pc/bg symbols/pc/br symbols/pc/by symbols/pc/cz symbols/pc/dvorak symbols/pc/de symbols/pc/dev symbols/pc/dk symbols/pc/en_US symbols/pc/ee symbols/pc/el symbols/pc/fr-latin9 symbols/pc/es symbols/pc/fi symbols/pc/fr symbols/pc/ge_la symbols/pc/gb symbols/pc/il_phonetic symbols/pc/ge_ru symbols/pc/guj symbols/pc/gur symbols/pc/hr symbols/pc/ie symbols/pc/il symbols/pc/latin symbols/pc/ir symbols/pc/is symbols/pc/it symbols/pc/iu symbols/pc/kan symbols/pc/la symbols/pc/mt_us symbols/pc/lo symbols/pc/lt symbols/pc/lv symbols/pc/mk symbols/pc/ml symbols/pc/mm symbols/pc/mt symbols/pc/ogham symbols/pc/nl symbols/pc/no symbols/pc/sapmi symbols/pc/ori symbols/pc/pc symbols/pc/pl symbols/pc/pl2 symbols/pc/pt symbols/pc/ro symbols/pc/ru symbols/pc/sk_qwerty symbols/pc/se symbols/pc/si symbols/pc/sk symbols/pc/syr_phonetic symbols/pc/sr symbols/pc/syr symbols/pc/tel symbols/pc/th symbols/pc/tj symbols/pc/tml symbols/pc/tr symbols/pc/ua symbols/pc/us symbols/pc/yu symbols/ori symbols/ru_yawerty symbols/pc104 symbols/pl symbols/pl2 symbols/pt symbols/ralt symbols/ro symbols/ru symbols/sgi/ symbols/sgi/jp symbols/si symbols/sapmi symbols/se symbols/se_FI symbols/se_NO symbols/se_SE symbols/sk_qwerty symbols/sk symbols/sony/ symbols/sony/us symbols/srvr_ctrl symbols/sr symbols/sun/ symbols/sun/se symbols/sun/us symbols/syr_phonetic symbols/syr symbols/tr_f symbols/tel symbols/th symbols/tj symbols/tml symbols/tr symbols/us_group2 symbols/ua symbols/us symbols/xfree68/ symbols/xfree68/amiga symbols/xfree68/ataritt symbols/yu symbols/us_group3 symbols/us_intl symbols/vn keycodes.dir keymap.dir semantics/ semantics/complete semantics/basic semantics/default semantics/xtest types/ types/complete types/README types/basic types/caps types/mousekeys types/default types/extra types/iso9995 types/pc symbols.dir types.dir xkbcomp Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y] Extracting Xetc.tgz and Xrc.tgz into a temporary location ... == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xetc.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xrc.tgz == Configuration files will now be installed. There are some cases where installing these files over existing files will adversely affect your previous desktop configuration, and some other cases where the new files are essential for the correct operation of the new installation. These cases will noted before any old files are overwritten. Do you want to overwrite the app-defaults config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/app-defaults to /etc/X11/app-defaults.1670 Installing the app-defaults config files ... Do you want to overwrite the fs config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/fs to /etc/X11/fs.1670 Installing the fs config files ... Do you want to overwrite the lbxproxy config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/lbxproxy to /etc/X11/lbxproxy.1670 Installing the lbxproxy config files ... Do you want to overwrite the proxymngr config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/proxymngr to /etc/X11/proxymngr.1670 Installing the proxymngr config files ... Do you want to overwrite the rstart config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/rstart to /etc/X11/rstart.1670 Installing the rstart config files ... Do you want to overwrite the twm config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/twm to /etc/X11/twm.1670 Installing the twm config files ... Installing the xdm configuration files may prevent your previous desktop configuration from coming up. If you have this problem, restore the saved originals. Do you want to overwrite the xdm config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/xdm to /etc/X11/xdm.1670 Installing the xdm config files ... Installing the xinit configuration files may prevent your previous desktop configuration from coming up. If you have this problem, restore the saved originals. Do you want to overwrite the xinit config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/xinit to /etc/X11/xinit.1670 Installing the xinit config files ... If the XKB configuration files are not updated you may experience problems running the latest XFree86 server. Do you want to overwrite the xkb config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/xkb to /etc/X11/xkb.1670 Installing the xkb config files ... Do you want to overwrite the xsm config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/xsm to /etc/X11/xsm.1670 Installing the xsm config files ... Do you want to overwrite the xserver config files? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/X11/xserver to /etc/X11/xserver.1670 Installing the xserver config files ... Do you want to overwrite the fonts.conf config file? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf.1670 Installing the fonts.conf config file ... Do you want to overwrite the fonts.dtd config file? (y/n) [n] Making a backup of /etc/fonts/fonts.dtd to /etc/fonts/fonts.dtd.1670 Installing the fonts.dtd config file ... Installing the mandatory parts of the binary distribution == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xbin.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xlib.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xman.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xdoc.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xfnts.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xfenc.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xxserv.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xmod.tgz == == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xvar.tgz == Checking for post-release updates ... Checking for optional components to install ... Do you want to install Xhtml.tgz (Docs in HTML)? (y/n) [y] == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xhtml.tgz == Do you want to install Xps.tgz (Docs in PostScript)? (y/n) [y] == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xps.tgz == Do you want to install Xpdf.tgz (Docs in PDF)? (y/n) [y] == Extracting /home/gaoyk/Xpdf.tgz == Searching for a termcap file. This may take a few seconds... You appear to have a termcap file: /etc/termcap This should be edited manually to replace the xterm entries with those in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc/xterm.termcap Note: the new xterm entries are required to take full advantage of new features, but they may cause problems when used with older versions of xterm. A terminal type 'xterm-r6' is included for compatibility with the standard X11R6 version of xterm. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y] On some platforms (e.g., Linux), the OpenGL standard requires that the GL shared library and header files be visible from the standard system lib and include directories (/usr/lib and /usr/include). This can be done by installing links in those directories to the files that have been installed under /usr/X11R6. NOTE: installing these links will overwrite existing files or links. The follwing links/files/directories already exist: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 3ÔÂ 29 06:46 /usr/lib/ -> ../../usr/X11R6/lib/ Do you wish to have the (new) links installed (y/n)? [n] Creating link from /usr/X11R6/lib/ to /usr/lib/ Creating link from /usr/X11R6/lib/ to /usr/lib/ Running ldconfig Updating the fonts.dir file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local... Updating the fonts.dir file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc... If you are going to use rstart and /usr/X11R6/bin isn't in the default path for commands run remotely via rsh, you will need a link to rstartd installed in /usr/bin. Do you wish to have this link installed (y/n)? [n] Creating link from /usr/X11R6/bin/rstartd to /usr/bin/rstartd Installation complete. The log for this installation is XFree86-install.log.1670 i was told to read the release note, i did it, still i am not sure, if i should use "mkfontscale" or "mkfontdir" to install the speedo and CID. thank you for your help! gao David Dawes <dawes@xxxxxxxx> schrieb: > On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 01:00:43PM +0200, Youkun Gao wrote: > >VIDEO DRIVER: > >Neomagic nm2200 > >OPERATING SYSTEM: > >Red Hat Linux release 9 (shrike) > >kernel 2.4.20-8 on an i686 > >VIDEO CARD: > > MODEL: > > Compaq presario 1925 (laptop integrate video card) > > GRAPHICS CHIPSET: > > MagicMedia 256AV > > VIDEO MEMORY: > > 2MB DRAM > > BUS TYPE: > > PCI > >REPORT: > > i can not enter the graphic surface only the text, and the it > > shows > > Error: open /dev/fb0 : no such device > > could not init font path element > > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/speedo, removing > > from list! > > could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID, > > removing > > from list! > Assuming that you are using automatic configuration, none of these > are > fatal errors. Can you send the complete /var/log/XFree86.0.log file? > David > _______________________________________________ > XFree86 mailing list > XFree86@xxxxxxxxxxx > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86 _______________________________________________ XFree86 mailing list XFree86@xxxxxxxxxxx http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86