How can I configure the server to support the backing store option as WHEN MAPPED for Screen 0? I can’t find anything on configuring Backing Store in the documentation.
Thanks Mark for the info on the bit planes.
Paul Pearson (281) 646-2750
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Pearson;Paul FN:Paul Lawrence Pearson (E-mail) ORG:Baker Atlas;Downhole Seismic Services TITLE:Software Developer V TEL;WORK;VOICE:(713) 625-6093 TEL;HOME;VOICE:(281) 558-4549 TEL;CELL;VOICE:(713) 501-9399 TEL;WORK;FAX:(713) 625-5151 ADR;WORK:;846-TC-1;17015 Aldine Westfield;Houston;Texas;77073-5101;United States of America LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:846-TC-1=0D=0A17015 Aldine Westfield=0D=0AHouston, Texas 77073-5101=0D=0AUni= ted States of America ADR;HOME:;;12506 Deep Spring;Houston;Texas;77077-2912;United States of America LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:12506 Deep Spring=0D=0AHouston, Texas 77077-2912=0D=0AUnited States of Ameri= ca EMAIL;PREF;EX:/o=BHI-NET/ou=HAW01/cn=Recipients/cn=BHES/cn=BHESEmployees/cn=PearPauL2 REV:20020805T144351Z END:VCARD