----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 1:04
Subject: Problems with
Guillemot 3D Prophet
Good morning,
I write you asking for a problem I have with XFree86 and my system video
card. First of all I'd like to excuse for my bad English.
I'm using Guadalinex (a Debian distribution of Linux) which gives no
problem when it starts from the Live-CD mode. That means that the system
recognizes the Guillemot 3D Prophet, and allows to change its resolution.
I decided to install the OS into the hard-disk, but it shows an error
and it's impossible to run the graphic mode. I attach you the log file
(XFREE86.0.log) and the config file (XF86Config-4)
Thank you vey much for your help.
My best regards.
Fernando Fernandez Lobillo