When I (and this may be the problem) dragged 4.4 into the folder where 4.3 resided, the warning dialog said that 4.3 was the newer version, even though Get Info disagreed. Was the drag/drop/replace a mistake?
userinfo: 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74
userinfo: 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74
userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
userinfo: sn =øˇÌ`†
userinfo: type =0xbfffec74
userinfo: length=0xbfffec74
userinfo: value:
userinfo: 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74
userinfo: 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74 0xbfffec74
AddContextualMenuCommand err = 71461172
2004-04-27 12:08:04.651 XDarwin[518] CFLog (0): CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
2004-04-27 12:08:04.654 XDarwin[518] CFLog (0): CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): The file name for this data might be (or it might not): /Applications/X/XDarwin.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ Localizable.strings
2004-04-27 12:08:08.280 XDarwin[518]
XDarwin 1.2.0
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 / X Window System (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600) Release Date: 27 February 2003 If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting problems. (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ) Operating System: Darwin Apple Computer, Inc.
Fatal server error: Could not find keymapping file USA.keymapping.
OsVendorFatalError AbortDDX Quitting XDarwin... Warning: no access to tty (Inappropriate ioctl for device). Thus no job control in this shell.
waiting for X server to begin accepting connections . .. ..
On Apr 27, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
greghyde@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Matthieu, I should have made i clear: I already had 4.3. I replaced it with the installation of 4.4.
Re: the download site you linked me to; do I need to download it all and compile? The 4.4 I installed yesterday was a complete package from XonX.
If you already have XFree86 4.4, then just download the USA.keymapping file form XDarwin.org and drop in to /System/Library/Keyboard Mappings.
-- Matthieu Herrb
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BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Hyde;Greg;;; FN:Greg Hyde EMAIL;type=HOME;type=pref:greghyde@xxxxxxx EMAIL;type=HOME:ghyde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TEL;type=HOME;type=pref:303 984.2971 TEL;type=CELL:303.669.0558 ADR;type=HOME;type=pref:;;;Lakewood;CO;80232;United States URL:resumes.hotjobs.com/greghyde5/T X-AIM;type=pref:greghyde5 END:VCARD