Hi Thom This is my log file generated before I use the 865patch, the log generated after I use de Patch a can't copy, because when I use the instruction "865patch 65536", my machine display the message "cannot display this mode", the system is locked and I can't do any more. Tell me how can I copy the log file after I use the patch. Excuse me but I'm beginner in Linux. Best greetings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡ Acelerate al doble de velocidad, por el mismo precio ! ¡ QUE ESPERAS ! Con la evolución de Prodigy Infinitum es posible. Haz clic aqui http://www.hits.telmex.com/internos/entuhogar/promocion/prodigy_doble/ext.html ¡ Asom@te ! a www.telmex.com
Description: XFree86.0.log