>Im trying to do the following setup. >Running a KDM session on CRT1 on my regular monitor while tty2 >autologins and start a x session on CRT2/TV and running fvwm and >autostarting MythTv (Video recording software). To start multiple local X servers current You need separate video adapters, excluded matrox g550. matrox g550 creates 2 framebuffer devices /dev/fb/0 and /dev/fb/1 . You can run 1st xf86 on fb/0 and 2nd on fb/1. According Tomas Winischhofer sisfb support only one /dev/fb/0. >Maby it could be possible to run it as dual head in "Normal" mode but is >it then possible to start different window managers. Seems, no. I don't know what is "Normal". >It might be possible to run it in xinerama but i'm unsure on how the >keyboard would be handled. IMHO You must use Xinerama and place border less TV app on one corner of desktop CRT1+CRT2. >I don't need any keyboard for the CRT2 session as all input is done with >lirc? > >Would this be possible at all, with --prefbusid patches or do i need a >second graphics card + --prefbusid patches. prefbusid is useless without linux kernel patch. It changes xf86 PCI scape. One xf86 uses only one video adapter un do not touch another video adapters. Normal xf86 search all video adapters and disable all further enable only necessary one or more adapters and so stop any already running xf86. Normal linux allow single current TTY. kernel patch allow multiple current TTY. With single current TTY only one xf86 is active. Remember, when You start 2nd xf86, then You cannot access 2nd desktop direct from 1st xf86! http://people.debian.org/~andreas/aivils/ Aivils Stoss _______________________________________________ XFree86 mailing list XFree86@xxxxxxxxxxx http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86