We are students of Lund University doing our Bachelor thesis for the Systems Design-programme.
are conducting research on why and how FOSS projects fork. The aim of
the research is to better understand the special issues regarding
FOSS-projects with regards to the forces leading up to a fork. We hope
that any knowledge gained from this can be incorporated in the future
education of System analysts. Our focus is the motivation of the
developers involved. We are now looking for developers from the XFree86 and X.Org projects who would like to share their experience and
thoughts with us to base our research on.
If you are interested in helping us please reply in private to
john.nilsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or
you desire to be anonymous we will take action to ensure this.
Obviously it will be hard to mask what projects has been involved in
the study as we have contacted you in public allready. However, the
interviews will be anonymized by the best of our abillities while still
retaining credibillity for the data. Before finalizing the thesis all
participators will recieve an altered copy of their transcript (the one
which will be published) to approve it. We appreciate the sensitivity
of the matter, however it will be hard to conduct scientific research
without some means to validate the conclusions. If the interviewee does
not find the altered transcript acceptable we will discard the
transcript, or the sensitive parts thereof, and not use it in our
John Nilsson
Johan Sånesson