Hrm - not sure. I'm not exactly a Motif mage (well, I know next to nothing about Motif...). But, does the same problem appear when the program is linked against OpenMotif, too? If not, then it's probably a LessTif bug. (OpenMotif is also GPL/LGPL, can't remember which, and, in my experience, it's less buggy and faster. It's definitely more complete. OpenMotif is, AFAIK, OSF Motif open-sourced.)
If that doesn't work, well, I'm afraid I can't help until I spend a few days ferreting through Xlib and Motif docs, and with my current schedule, it'll be a while before I can get to that. Hopefully someone here knows Motif backward and forward.
Oh, one more idea - take a look at the code for
nedit, it's an open-source Motif app (a very nice text editor). It might point you in the right direction.
--- Bill Bourke
> I am a Windows programmer new to Linux and I am
> converting an existing
> application to the motif clone, LessTiff. Everything
> went smoothly 'till
> I got to scroll bars. The application so far is
> reproduced below. It all
> works, except for the vertical scroll bar. It only
> shows a gray
> rectangle where the scroll bar should be, no
> buttons, no slider - and no
> sign of activity from the scroll bar call backs. My
> intent is to create
> an application managed scroll window.
> The resource file has no entries and is not shown
> here.
> Regards,
> Bill Bourke
> // trace.cpp - motif trace utility.
> #include
> #include
> #include
> #include
> #include
> Widget appshell,
> scroller,
> vscroll,
> workwin;
> static GC the_gc;
> static XGCValues gc_values;
> static XtGCMask gc_mask;
> static Pixel WhiteColor,
> BlackColor;
> static void DrawEvt (Widget w, XtPointer, XEvent*
> event, Boolean*) {
> XDrawLine (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), the_gc,
> 0, 0, 100, 100);
> }
> static void ExposeCB (Widget w, void* client_data,
> void* call_data) {
> XDrawLine (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), the_gc,
> 100, 0, 0, 100);
> }
> static void ScrollCB (Widget w, void* client_data,
> void* call_data) {
> printf ("ScrollCB %d\n",
> ((XmScrollBarCallbackStruct*)
> call_data)->reason);
> }
> int main (int argc, char* argv []) {
> // Create the application window and get some
> color contants.
> Arg arglist [2];
> appshell = XtInitialize (argv [0], "trace",
> NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
> BlackColor = BlackPixel (XtDisplay (appshell),
> DefaultScreen
> (XtDisplay (appshell)));
> WhiteColor = WhitePixel (XtDisplay (appshell),
> DefaultScreen
> (XtDisplay (appshell)));
> // Create the scrolled client window. Scrolling
> will be managed by
> the application.
> scroller = XmCreateScrolledWindow (appshell,
> "Scroller", NULL, 0);
> XtSetArg (arglist [0], XmNheight, 400);
> XtSetArg (arglist [1], XmNwidth, 600);
> XtSetValues (scroller, arglist, 2);
> XtManageChild (scroller);
> // Create the draw window and give it a white
> background.
> workwin = XmCreateDrawingArea (scroller,
> "WorkWin", NULL, 0);
> XtManageChild (workwin);
> XtSetArg (arglist [0], XmNforeground,
> BlackColor);
> XtSetArg (arglist [1], XmNbackground,
> WhiteColor);
> XtSetValues (workwin, arglist, 2);
> // Create the graphics context for drawing
> lines.
> gc_values.foreground = BlackColor;
> gc_values.background = "WhiteColor;"
> gc_values.line_width = 1;
> gc_values.line_style = LineSolid;
> gc_mask = GCForeground | GCBackground |
> GCLineWidth, GCLineStyle;
> the_gc = XtGetGC (workwin, gc_mask, &gc_values);
> // Add callbacks and event handlers to the draw
> window.
> XtAddEventHandler (workwin, (ButtonPressMask |
> ButtonMotionMask),
> FALSE, DrawEvt, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (workwin, XmNexposeCallback,
> ExposeCB, NULL);
> // Create the vertical scroll bar.
> vscroll = XmCreateScrollBar (appshell,
> "VScroll", NULL, 0);
> //XmScrollBarSetValues (vscroll, 20, 20, 10, 50,
> false);
> XtManageChild (vscroll);
> // Associate the vertical scroll bar and draw
> window with the scroll
> window.
> XmScrolledWindowSetAreas (scroller, NULL,
> vscroll, workwin);
> // Add call backs for scroll events.
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNdecrementCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNdragCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNincrementCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll,
> XmNpageDecrementCallback, ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll,
> XmNpageIncrementCallback, ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNtoBottomCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNtoTopCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> XtAddCallback (vscroll, XmNvalueChangedCallback,
> ScrollCB, NULL);
> // Go.
> XtRealizeWidget (appshell);
> XtMainLoop ();
> }
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