Hi group: I found out yesterday that I have a mandatory monitor changeover coming on my system to a Micron (Viewsonics?) XV2000 LCD monitor. I thought some pre-emptive research on Linux info for the monitor would be good, but when I went out on Google I didn't find anything. I know LCD set-up is different from CRT monitors, but I'm not sure what I'll need to do. OS info: Openlinux 2.4 with 3.3.* version of X. Currently I'm running a Diamond Stealth III S520 card with 8MB to a 21" CRT (Micron label, maybe Viewsonics?). Since it'll be running in the analog mode, perhaps the changeover is minor. Maybe a minor hack of the config file? Limitation - I'm forbidden to connect the system to my employer's network when operating Linux, and my dial-up at home never exceeds 19.2 (and rarely hits that), so downloads are virtually impossible. Thanks in advance... Paul Sherman Biomedical Engineer VA Center for Engineering & Occupational Safety and Health (CEOSH) St. Louis, MO Paul.Sherman@med.va.gov _______________________________________________ Newbie@XFree86.Org *** To unsubscribe , or change message options, see: http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie