Im really sorry if this question was asked before, but i couldnt find any search-option on the mailinglist-page. If there is any, please tell me where. If not, please please please provide one. Im using Xfree 4.1 with logitech mouseman+ (old) and Xfree 4.2 with mouseman+ optical (new) both connected to ps/2. I tried different protocols (ps2, imps2, mousemanplusps/2) but the option resolution has no effect. The man page says some mice dont support this option (or xfree doesnt support it on some mice). xset m is no alternative because ... i dont like it. Fortunately i had the idea to use some of the mouse-speed-controls that come with some desktop-environments, otherwise i know would find myself running around trying to catch my own butt. Im not really sure, but i think once i had this option using and it worked. Greetings, Sascha