5/21/2002 11:29:57 AM, Peter Leftwich <Hostmaster@Video2Video.Com> wrote: >OmiiiiiiiiiGOOOOOoooodNess! > >I recently ran xf86cfg (screen still blanks then sounds standbyishly >crackly, but I can C-A-F1, C-A-F2 etc to change to virtual consoles), and >then when I retried the xf86cfg command it said the server was already >running on Screen 8! Yeay! > >So my only problem now seems to be implementing a windows manager, yes? >What's the easiest way to go about that... just put "exec kde-session" in a >file called ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession or something like that? Almost >works!! :) > >-- >Peter Leftwich >President & Founder >Video2Video Services >Box 13692, La Jolla, CA, 92039 USA >+1-413-403-9555 > Yeah, in .xinitrc, there should be a line like: twm & I just insert the [installed] window manager of choice in place of twm. hth, joshua