I tried them and tried varying the numbers as well but no further joy. It's strange. The laptop is capable of 1400x1050, but it is only displaying a 1280x1024 screen size, which is all Xfree reports in the /var/log/XFree86.0.log file as being the valid laptop display size. Almost as if XFree is saying it isn't capable of doing larger because as far as it's concerned it's using all available screen space. Sam |---------+----------------------------> | | Alan Hourihane | | | <alanh@fairlite.d| | | emon.co.uk> | | | Sent by: | | | newbie-admin@XFre| | | e86.Org | | | | | | | | | 05/09/02 08:34 AM| | | Please respond to| | | newbie | | | | |---------+----------------------------> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | To: newbie@XFree86.Org | | cc: | | Subject: Re: [Newbie]Trident Chipset | >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 08:04:17 +0100, SRudland@manu.com wrote: > > Thanks for your response, however I have put the updated driver in place > and tried the "Option" mentioned and have no joy. As I am a bit green at > this I may have put the "Option" in the wrong part of the config file. I > have tried in the "Monior" section and the "Device" section. Should one of > these be right? > The Device Section is the correct place. You can also try using Option "XvBskew" "0" Option "XvRskew" "0" which may help too. Alan. _______________________________________________ Newbie@XFree86.Org *** To unsubscribe , or change message options, see: http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie