Greets all! Seeing how I am new to the linux OS in general, please be gentle in any answers to this. I have just successfully installed SuSE 6.1 on my Thinkpad today. While I was trying to configure XFree, I noticed that it is asking for hardware specifications that I do not know, such as for the video card and the moniter. I am using the Thinkpad as standalone, and do not have an external moniter. I bought the thinkpad used, so there's no treeware for it. IBM's website only has the "Idiot's Guide" that tells you how to plug the phone line into the modem, etc. I was curious if there were any XFree86 users out there that have installed XFree using SAX on a thinkpad, and if so, what hardware choices were made to make it work? For help reasons, I'll tell you everything I know about the computer, the OS, and the problem: The Computer: IBM 755c w/ Docking Station (DOCK II) The OS: SuSE Linux 6.1 (It was on sale at a used CD store and I wanted to try linux) XFree Version: Many thanks in advance, Stan