Christian Mund wrote: > I've recently upgraded from Debian Potatoe to Woody, thus from XF86 3.3.6 > to 4.1.0 . Using the old version (XF86_SVGA) there has never been one > single problem the past 1 1/2 years with my PCI-based "To The Max" card > with ET6000 chipset and 4 MB of ram. > The manual says "All cards supported by 3.3.6 are also supported by > 4.1.0 except for the old ET3000", but this seems not to be true for me. > When using the new 4.1.0 server with the "tseng" driver it starts up and > my window manager is loaded, but the screen is full of wrong colors, > artefacts, weird boxes, etc. And when starting an X application the > whole system hangs, which already caused some quite serious hd damage. > First I thought it has something to do with my old 2.2.20 kernel which > was still left from Potatoe. So I grabbed the sources of 2.4.18, > compiled & installed it. But this changed only the wrong colors from > mainly pink to black. So I switched back to 3.3.6 now. > So does anybody know what's wrong? To /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 add or uncomment: Option "NoAccel" You may or may not also need to add/uncomment 'VideoRam 4096'. -- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge . . . ." Proverbs 1:7 NIV Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 Felix Miata ***