Hello all, I have a IBM Thinkpad A30p with a ATI Radeon Mobility graphiccard. Installed OS are Win2000 and OpenBSD-3.0. After the installation of OpenBSD I tried to configure XFree86 by running "xf86cfg". XFree said that my graphic-card could't get properly detected and I should update to the newest version of XFree86. Was I did afterwards.--> 4.2.0 binary! The installation of XFree86 ran smoothly and everything seemed to be okay. So I rerun "xf86cfg" to configure my devices for XFree86. But I couldn't find my graphic-card in the devices list nor did I find any ATI graphic cards to select. ---My Questions:------------------ Where are they? Where have they gone? :-) How do I configure XFree86 (under OpenBSD 3.0) that it's running with my ATI Radeon Mobility? Do I have to install a special package? Do I have to compile XFree86 from the source by my own? ----------------------------------- When I try to run Xfree86 I get a lot of Errors and the color of the console switches to green. I think that's because of a wrong configurated graphiccard. Funny is: under Suse Linux 6.3 this graphiccard is available! YAST can handle this. Any ideas? Thanks in advance Jan Haensli tronic@agd.ch Switzerland