Re: [PATCH] Documentation/CoC: Spell out the TAB role in enforcement decisions

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On Wed, 05 Mar 2025 11:54:28 +0200
Jani Nikula <jani.nikula@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 2/3 actually means 7/10 for the TAB.
> Except two of the CoC committee members currently serve on the TAB, and
> will not vote. Assuming they will also not count for the total, 2/3
> means 6/8 = 75%.
> All of a sudden you actually need 3/4 majority in the TAB to approve any
> CoC measures.
> Perhaps consider using a simple majority instead? The numbers become
> 6/10 and 5/8.

I'm a TAB member but I'm speaking for myself and not on behalf of the TAB.

I rather keep it as is and not move it to a simple majority. If the TAB is
going to make a decision that may affect the ability of a developer to get
their work done, the issue had better be substantial where it should have no
problem getting to 75%. Ideally, it should even be unanimous, but there are
cases where a member may be involved, and decides to abstain.

-- Steve

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