lei stores mails in wrong folder

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Hi Konstantin,

I have a strange behavior for newly installed lei ("dnf install lei" on FC41).
All new messages are stored in "cur" Maildir folder and not in "new" as I would expect.
Current behavior causes to weird situation where all messages are getting "O"  (old) tag.

➜  ~ lei q -I https://lore.kernel.org/all/ -o ~/mail/lore/rdma --threads --dedupe=mid '(l:linux-rdma.vger.kernel.org) AND rt:1.week.ago..' 
# /home/leonro/.config/lei/config created
# /home/leonro/.local/share/lei/store 15/15
# /usr/bin/curl -gSf -s -d '' https://lore.kernel.org/all/?x=m&t=1&q=(l%3Alinux-rdma.vger.kernel.org)+AND+rt%3A1740421535..
# https://lore.kernel.org/all/ 186/?
# https://lore.kernel.org/all/ 404/?
# https://lore.kernel.org/all/ 571/571
# 488 written to /home/leonro/mail/lore/rdma/ (586 matches, 155 duplicates)
➜  ~ ls ~/mail/lore/rdma/new 
➜  ~ ls ~/mail/lore/rdma/cur 
00c34ae956857960504f10d4a2d401fdc2d7b4c9:2,       450d677dfc827f61e3d0f807ae9e9950a6c91f1a:2,      
➜  ~ lei edit-search ~/mail/lore/rdma
    1 ; to refresh with new results, run: lei up /home/leonro/mail/lore/rdma
    2 ; `maxuid' and `lastresult' lines are maintained by "lei up" for optimization
    3 [lei]
    4         q = (l:linux-rdma.vger.kernel.org) AND rt:1.week.ago..
    5 [lei "q"]
    6         include = https://lore.kernel.org/all/
    7         external = 1
    8         local = 1
    9         remote = 1
   10         threads = 1
   11         dedupe = mid
   12         output = maildir:/home/leonro/mail/lore/rdma
   13 [external "/home/leonro/.local/share/lei/store"]
   14         maxuid = 109652
   15 [external "https://lore.kernel.org/all/";]
   16         lastresult = 1741026335


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